Year 1, Month 1, Day 5: A Fax to John Kerry

Dear Senator Kerry,

I’ve lived in Massachusetts all my life, and I’m proud to have you as my senator. Thank you for your efforts in the area of global climate change, which is surely the most important issue facing America and the world. I wish I could say that America’s response to the climate crisis has been adequate and admirable; alas, that is not the case. We need to have administrative and political recognition that a meaningful policy on atmospheric CO2 is one that reduces atmospheric ppm to 350 or below; it is my understanding that both Kerry-Boxer and Waxman-Markey set a target of 450 ppm. Not enough; not enough; not enough. I am sufficiently cynical that the debacle in Copenhagen did not surprise me; I am sufficiently naive that I continue to believe that our system of government may be able to address this terrifying problem competently in the years to come. It had better; time is running out for all of us.

Yours Sincerely,

Warren Senders

I write my faxes out longhand, on the back of previously used paper. Fortunately I developed legible handwriting many years ago.

After I finish typing out the text for this post, I’ll copy it into Kerry’s email form, so he’ll get it digitally…and of course I’ll put the original hard copy in the mail to him. I got through to fax machines in all his offices except for Springfield, where it just rang and rang.

Kerry’s Fax numbers:

Washington D.C.:(202) 224-8525
Boston: (617) 248-3870
Springfield: (413) 736-1049
Fall River: (508) 677-0275

Why don’t you write to your senator?

Year 1, Month 1, Day 4: A Fax to the White House

Dear President Obama,

The urgency of the climate crisis is without a doubt increasing by the day. Yet our national media persists in fostering the misconception that there is doubt about the causes, effects and possible remedies for anthropogenic global warming. And (tragically) they appear to be succeeding.

If meaningful climate-change treaties are to be ratified, if meaningful legislation is to be passed, it will be because
you fought for it in the arena of public opinion. Please, sir — use the presidential “bully pulpit” to make the case for America’s full participation in global efforts to combat catastrophic climate change. We must lead; if we cannot lead, at least let us lend a hand, rather than hinder the efforts of others.

Thank you,

Warren Senders

This was handwritten on the back of a previously used piece of paper and faxed at around 10 am this morning. I’ll email it in a couple of minutes.

The White House FAX number is: 202-456-2461

The White House web page is:

Go tell them something. Keep the pressure on.

New Year’s Resolution:

One letter a day to media outlets or to one or more of our Elected Representatives.

The first three days’ worth went to the print media:

January 1:

The failure of our national media to cover the worsening climate crisis is surely the most important and tragic story of our time.  An intrepid journalist could earn a Pulitzer, nay, a series of Pulitzers, by doing the in-depth reporting which revealed the extent to which our broadcast and print media have been coopted by the deep pockets of climate-change deniers.  Alas, it’s not going to happen.  As with all stories in which the media establishment has been a participant, there will never be any meaningful investigation.  As glaciers melt, oceans become acidified, droughts become endemic, and local weather patterns become increasingly erratic and unpredictable, only one thing is absolutely certain: our media will continue to perpetuate the false notion that “there are two sides to every argument,” and the way to practice journalism is to give equal time to both parties.

Thus journalism becomes a travesty of itself.

Would an article on medicine be required to give equal column space to a proponent of the medieval theory of “humours”?  Would an article on air travel be required to give equal column space to a turn-of-the-twentieth-century scientist’s assertion that heavier-than-air flight is impossible?

The decline in the number of Americans who believe global climate change is caused by human beings is not an abstract phenomenon, to be reported “impartially” in the pages of the nation’s press and on the news programs of our networks.  No — that decline is the product of decades of irresponsibility on the part of that press and those networks.  Our descendants (if there are any) will not be kind to the American media of this time, and with good and tragic reason.

January 2:

The terrifying implications of current climatological research are diluted by the measured language of scientific discourse. The relatively neutral term “climate change” is grossly misleading. A more appropriate word would be “climaticide.” The facts are readily available, but what is needed in the public sphere is not measured language, but a clarion call, an alarm warning all of us of a looming catastrophe. And here is where the print and broadcast media of our culture have profoundly failed humanity.

By insisting on a specious policy of false equivalence in which the statements of a few corporate-funded denialists “balance” the overwhelming majority of scientific evidence, our media have abdicated their responsibility to the truth. The simple fact is that if the world’s industrialized cultures do not radically and rapidly change their behaviors, the lives of our children, our grandchildren, and their children in turn will be unimaginably and horrifyingly different. By failing to inform the public, by failing to take this threat seriously (all the while exaggerating other, less significant problems), the media are now enabling the most serious threat that our planet has ever faced. Generations to come will look back at the excesses of the twentieth century in shame; they will see the media’s blind indifference to our toxic behavior for what it is: a crime of terrible magnitude.

Ignorance is excusable; willful refusal to engage with facts is not. The job of the news media is to engage with facts. Please do your job, so that we (all of us, everywhere) can do ours: trying to change our culture’s direction in time to preserve our world.

January 3:

Another blizzard will surely bring another round of blather from climate-change denialists: “Look! It’s snowing! That means there is no such thing as global warming!” It is difficult to find words to describe this level and degree of willful ignorance. One of the oft-repeated and oft-verified predictions of climate scientists is that as the global climate crisis worsens, local and regional storms will increase in intensity and frequency. Climatologists also predict that anomalous weather events (snow in May, seventy-degree days in February) will occur more often. While it’s not in the purview of scientific prognostication, it’s a sure bet that as long as the fossil-fuel industry continues funding denialist research, we will be subjected to increasing levels of mendacity and gullibility from their paid spokespersons. Our national media has completely abandoned any pretense of being “on the side of truth,” and in the long run, the human race will be the loser.

Tomorrow I’ll send some faxes to some politicians.